Rose Tea - By Gopal Dwivedi

Rose Tea
Sweet | Aromatic | Euphoric
From the book - "Tea Trivia" by Gopal Dwivedi

About :
Rose tea or rose bud tea is made from whole rose blossoms or the dried rose petals.
This is a popular Middle Eastern variety of tea which is now popular everywhere in the world.
Brewing Instructions :
Boil 250 ml water in a tea kettle. Add 1-2 tsp dried rose buds of petals in teapot.
Pour the water from kettle.
Cover & steep the tea for 10 minutes. Strain and serve.
Infusion Tips:
Rose tea can be infused with chamomile, black tea, telsi, lavender.
Food & Aroma Pairing:
Chocolate, cookies, salad dressings, ice cream and sorbet.
Health Benefits :
Prevents constipation,
Weight loss.
Detox tea.
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