The Art of Selling Kitchen - 2

The Art of Selling Kitchen - Part 2

Negotiation Skill !.
"Negotiation mostly not related to price…
"It included the entire value proposition. As a kitchen designer, interior designer or sales professional, you’re looking for mutually beneficial relationships with customers which mean you’re going to seek a true win/win scenario. Negotiation skills help to increase the level of trust with your customers if practiced and applied well. Negotiation has 3 stages:
Before Negotiation:
  • Don’t rush to start the negotiation, first present your value proposition and offer in detail.
  • Find out the point of motivations of your client.
  • Identify the person who has authority to make final decisions.
  • Know the last point where the deal is not more beneficial for your deal.
  • Prepared to walk away or learn to say humble but firm NO
During Negotiation:
  • Make sure multiple times about the understanding of your offer to the customer.
  • Don’t react but respond with more logical questions.
  • Do not rush to fill the pauses, give space to the customer and listen.
  • Keep your price intact and adjust overall value ( delivery time, service, warranty)
  • Don’t forget to take notes of smallest agreement to demonstrate your commitment.
Post Negotiation:
If Deal Mature:
  • Repeat everything again, make a note and take signature.
  • Thank the client for their valuable time and purchase decision.
  • Don’t forget the review the whole process & learnings for next negotiation.
If Deal Do not Mature:
  • Thank the client for their valuable time.
  • Give them a respectful “Out”, which can be an opening for them to come again.
  • Don’t forget the review the whole process & learnings for next negotiation.
  • By:
    Gopal Dwivedi:  Business Head (Modular Division) working at 
