The Art of Selling Kitchen-1

The Art of Selling Kitchen-1

The FAB Technique!

The Art of Selling Kitchen

“Mr Nair, if you go with the complete modular kitchen then it will come as factory fitted (Feature) and with certified & tested hardware ( Features) with Soft closing door and Soft drawer movements ( Advantage), it will save your time during installation (Benefit), gives you perfect functional experience ( Benefit) and you can enjoy the warranty on product ( Benefit)

Feature: it a characteristic of a product. Their characteristics can include size, color, taste, quality, payment terms, packaging, price or any other such attributes.

The advantage is the performance characteristic of a product that describes how it can be used or will help the buyer. This is linked with features, like a soft close drawer avoid the banging sound while closing or close the drawer with just push of the finger.

Benefits are the end-state of worthwhile features. These are the sales driver and represent the favorable results that the buyer receives from the product because of a particular advantage and can satisfy a buyer’s need.

Please realize that during the sale, people buy benefits, not the features and advantages. The end results matter the most. So to prove the end result, the technical support (Feature) and the performance characteristic (Advantages) are important but final sale translate only because of Benefits.

Same product with same Features and Advantages can give different Benefit to different users, hence always list down the Benefit of the product as per the type of customer. The same kitchen can be beneficial differently for a “Young Just Married Couple” and a “Family of 5 peoples”. So take your time to present your offering in your customer's language and improve your sales closing ratios.

“A working couple may see Benefits in Quick and Hassle Free Installation but A lady with 5 members family may see Benefits in More Storage, Durability, and Warranty of the Product.

Gopal Dwivedi:  Business Head (Modular Division) working at 
